Remove device from Safely Remove Hardware list

1. Locate your device in regedit:

This will bring up a list of available hardware connections. For SATA DVD-rom drives, and hard drives look under IDE. For Video Cards look in PCI.

2. Once you find your device, expand it and click on the first key folder under it (looks something like 4&15e311de&0&0.1.0). The Capability value in this key folder should be greater than 0. Take a note of the Capability number.

3. Right-click the key folder and select Copy Key Name.

4. Open Task Scheduler > Create Task > and set the following parameters:

Example: add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ IDE\CdRomOptiarc_DVD_RW_AD-7240S_________________1.01____\4&15e311de&0&0.1.0” /v Capabilities /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

5. Right-click the new Scheduled Task and click Run. You should see the results immediately. Logoff/Logon and the safely remove your hardware icon will be gone if there are no removable devices connected.

To undo the changes you made above, simply remove it from your schedule task and reboot. Without the Schedule Task, the system will automatically restore the registry values back to original values.