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Disclaimer with Exchange 2010
- Open the Exchange Management Console.
- In Organization Configuration select Hub Transport and then select the Transport Rules tab.
- In the Actions Pane click New Transport Rule.
- Name your rule and optionally add a Comment.
- Press Next.
- On the Conditions screen select the following 2 conditions;
– from users that are inside or outside the organization
– sent to users that are inside or outside the organization, or partners - In the bottom pane, modify the conditions so that they read;
– from users that are Inside the organization
– sent to users that are outside the organization - Press Next.
- In the Actions screen select the action;
– append disclaimer text and fall back to action if unable to apply. - In the bottom pane you can modify the conditions to your preference.
- Click on disclaimer text to insert your default disclaimer text and add variables to include user information. You can use up to 5000 characters
- Once done, press Next twice.
- On the Create Rule screen you’ll see the PowerShell command that will be executed when clicking the New button.
- Clicking Finish will close the New Transport Rule dialog.
You can use the following variables in your disclaimer text. When using them, place them between %% characters. Example: %%DisplayName%%